
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Almighty God's Blessings: "Please, May I Have Some More!?!"

Giving Is Supplying Our Need 
Forgiving Is Taking Us Back Into The Fold Of Safety 
Both Contain Grace, Mercy, Compassion, Kindness
Charity Aka Love 
Are The Result Of That Great Gift Of God Called Justification 
Aka Being Made Right With Almighty God 
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord! 


There Is An Old Expression That Says 
"Don't Look A Gift Horse In Its Mouth!" 
That Was Said Because Your Inspection Might Reveal That 
That Gifted Horse Is Old And Not Altogether "Profitable To You" 
In Your Jaundiced And Even Ungrateful Estimation! 

Dear Ones, 

Jesus Christ, The King, Our Creator, The God Of Glory
Always Only Gives Good And Perfect Gifts To Us
His Purchased-From-Sin Possession! 

We Don't Have To Check Where They Come From
How Long They've Been In Use
How Useful They Will Be To Us
Or If They Are Worth Accepting! 

Our God Is Holy And He Gives, Forgives
Saves, Sets Apart
Seals Us, Willing, For Eternity! 

We Are Greatly Loved Of This Almighty God 
So Let Us Say This Day: 
"Thank You, Lord, For Your Blessings On Me! 
Please, May I Have Some More!?!" 

Let Choose To Give Our Glorious, Gracious, God 
The Gift ... Our Humble Gift ... Of Gratitude Today! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In Choosing To Accept Your Choice Blessings, I Also Choose To Crave To Receive More And More Of Them In Jesus Christ's Holy Name! Thank You For The Gracious Gifts Of Your Divine Love!


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