
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Invite The Lord To Get All Up In Your Business!

"Go Where I Send You!"
"Do What I Say!"
"Live By Your Faith In Me!"
"Do Not Yield To Temptation!"
"Pray, Beloved, And Stay In The Holy Way!"

Dear Ones,

There Is No One Calling Themselves Christian
Who Will Enter The Promised Land ... The Beautiful City Of God
They Are Afraid Of Their Shadow
Things That Go "Bump!" In The Night

The Harsh Words Of Naysayers
The Disappointments And Distresses Of Life
The Cruelties Of The Enemy Of Souls!

We, As Followers Of The Lord Christ
Cannot Be Wafflers Or Fence-Jockeys
For Sure We Cannot Be Neutral In The Conflict Of The Ages
Saying That We Are Not Getting Involved In Anybody's War!

Our God Is Only As Strong In Our Lives
As We Permit Him To Be In Our Lives!

Please Trust In The Lord Christ
By Believing His Words Of Promise
Claiming His Strength
His Salvation
His Power
His Provision
His Protection
His Perfect Peace!


Please Invite The Lord 
To Get All Up In Your Business Today
So That You May Courageously Do What He Says 
Always And In All Ways!

The Lord Is Our Rock!


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me To Remember, Dear Lord, That It Is All About You ... Getting Home To Be With You And Being With You For All Eternity: My Life Is Yours!


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