
Saturday, March 12, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Let Us Not Boast About Our Basement-Level Behavior!

When You Measure Yourself By Yourself 
And Compare Yourself To Yourself 
What Are You!?! 

A Fool! 

When A Man Defies, Denies, The Living God 
And Calls Himself God 
And Acts As Though He Is God 
But Does Not Have The Power Of God 
And Cannot Keep Himself Alive 
What Is He!?! 

An Idolatrous, Lying, Fool! 

The Fool Hath Said In His Heart That There Is No God! 
The Fool, Therefore, Is Unwise, Untutored
Unschooled In The Wise Ways Of The Holy God
Suggesting That The Fool Has His Own Sense 
Oxymoronic In The Extreme! 

Denying Your Own Maker Is Devilish! 
Making Yourself God Is Satanic! 
Encouraging Others To Indulge In 
Heaven-Daring Lawlessness For Kicks, For Thrills 
Willful Wickedness Writ Large 
Left Unconfessed And Unrepented
Will Be Punished Without The Blessed Benefit Of
Mercy Of The Eternal God! 

Be Ye Wise ...

The Only Measuring Stick Worth Using In This Life 
The Character Of The Lord Jesus Christ! 

Without Our Lord's Intervention
We Will Walk Around Pridefully 
Showing How Holy We Are When We Are Not: 
Let Us Not Boast About Our Basement-Level Behavior! 

The Prophet Isaiah Believed He Was Holy 
Until He Saw The Lord In His Glory! 
He Became Aware Of His Uncleanness 
His Unworthiness To Be The Servant Of God 
When He Saw Himself In The Light Of Almighty God's Glory! 


Our God ... The Living God ... Is Compassionate
In The Moment Of Our Truly Seeing Him ... By Faith 
Acknowledging That We Are Less Than He Requires 
Need All That Our Lord Christ Has To Give Us 
The Time That The Lord Can Work In And On Us To Bless Us 
Through Us To Bless Others! 

Self-Praise Is No Praise! 
The Praise Of Man Is A Trap 
Unless We Let Go Of Pride 
Give Our Self Over To The Lord For Him To Do His Saving Work
We Will Pridefully, Arrogantly, Ignorantly
Contentedly Continue Travelling Through Shadows-With-Troubles 
Where The Citizens Measure Themselves By Themselves 
Until We Arrive At Inescapable Torment! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Us Permit The Holy Spirit To Do A Good Work In Us 
By Allowing Him To Work On Us While It Is Yet Day, Today
The Day Of Salvation! 

Let Us Let The Lord Remove Our Iniquity From Us 
Purge Us Of Our Sin 
So That He May Use Us In His Service 
To Bless Others With The Good News That He, Alone, Saves! 

Let Us Really Work For The Lord: 
Untold Blessings Are Guaranteed! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Heavenly Father, To See Myself In The Light Of The Cross Of Christ, And Bless Me In My Willingness To Be Like My Jesus In The Beauty Of Holiness! Cleanse Me, Lord!


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