
Saturday, March 19, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Light And Truth Versus Dust And Lies!?!


The Lord Is Light And Man Is Dust! 
The Lord Is The Truth And All Men Are Liars! 

The Lord Is The Light Of Truth Which Is Not Hidden! 

Man Is Lying Dust Aka A Dusty Liar: 
He Cannot Hide From Light 
His Only Life Is In The Truth! 


The Lord Jesus Christ Has Told Us Plainly That 
We Shall Know The Truth 
The Truth Shall Make Us Aka Set Us Free! 

Since Light Reveals Truth 
Truth Sets Man Free
What Possible Use Could Man, As A Known Christ-Follower
Have For That Impurity Called Lies, Lying, And Liars!?! 

Liars Limp And Lose 
Their Lies And Their Lying Leach-Away Their Lives! 

Pure Truth 
Both Sword And Shield
Scaffold And Elevator
Bed And Blanket
Tooth And Nail! 

Pure Truth Is Love And Life!

Departing From The Purity Of Truth 
Stepping Away From The Light 
Causes Us To Walk In Deep Darkness! 

There Is No Darkness In The Lord 
None Of Us Who Choose To Obediently, Faithfully
Enduringly Walk With The Lord
By The Pure Word
Can Live In The Post-Truth Aka Stranger To The Truth 
Aka I-Feel And My-Truth Environment! 

Pontius Pilate Wanted To Know What Is Truth! 
The Hollywood Movie Said We Can't Handle The Truth! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let The Word Dwell In You Richly: 
Jesus Christ Aka The Word Of God
The Way, The Truth, And The Life: 
There Are No Questions! 


1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, May Your Holy Word That Gives Life Shed Light On Our Dust So That We, Being Hungry And Desiring To Be Fed With Food Good For Us, May Be Blessed And Filled Beyond All Imagining And, Being Truly Thankful And Grateful, Give Honor, Glory, And Heartfelt Praise To Your Matchless Name!


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