
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Choose To Eat Grass From The Lord Of Life!

When You Are Doing Something Good And Right 
In The Sight Of The Living God
You May Rest Assured That The Lying Leaping Lizards
The Hissing Snakes
The Flaming Arrows
The Sticky Stinky Tar Balls
The Ever-Hungry Vultures Are Going To Be Abroad
On The Wing
In Your Face! 

Praise The True And Living God! 


When People Who Believe That 
They Should Be Sun, Moon, And Stars In Your Eyes 
Cannot Manipulate You 
Bend You To Their Dank, Depraved, And Devilish Will
Dare To Expect Their Toothed And Edged Weapons 
To Be Boldly Unsheathed! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Lord Christ 
The Only Trustworthy Constant In Our Lives! 
He Is Not Capricious 
He Is To Be Trusted Always! 

Embrace The Gifted Favor Of The Lord 
Eschew The Friendship Of The World! 

Do Not Allow Yourself To Be Deceived! 

Committed-To-Christ Christians Should Always Be Able To Say: 
"I Choose To Eat Grass From The Lord Of Life 
Than To Feast On The Damned Devil's Dainties!" 

Do Not Be Unstable Like Water Which Finds Its Own Level! 
Stand Firm On Faith! 

Let's Walk Our Godly Talk
Live Out Our Heavenly Love For Our Blessed Jesus Today! 

Let No One Encourage You To Sin! 


1 comment:

  1. A Scanty Meal Eaten In The Home Where The Love Of God Resides Is Blessed And Better Than A Feast Of Plenty In The Rich And Cold Castle Where There Is Willing Sinning And Practiced Hatred!


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