
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Deliberately Demonstrate What You Want Demonstrably Done To You!

KJV Matthew 7:12
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Do Unto Others As You Want Them To Do Unto You! 

Blessed Are The Merciful For They Will Obtain Mercy! 


Give ... And It Will Come Back To You 
Whether It Is Good, Bad, Indifferent
Cruel, Hateful
Blessed Or Cursed! 

If We Would Choose To Live With The Certain Knowledge That 
The Word Of God Cannot Fail
We Would Also Choose To Stop And Think Carefully 
Aka Long And Hard
Before We Choose To Lay Snares
Be Unkind, Untruthful, Unhelpful
Callous-Minded Towards Others
No Matter How We "Feel!" 

A Farmer Cannot Plant Onions And Reap Tomatoes! 

A Person Cannot Sow The Seeds Of Discord 
Actually Expect To Live In Peace! 

Christians Cannot Live Unkindly 
With A Side Of Bitterness 
Consciously Expect To Harvest 
Kindness And Sweetness! 

Dear Ones, 

We Are Nearing Home! 
Please Let Us Each Choose
Choose To Live Christ-Like Lives
Caring, Kind, Giving, Blessing,  Forgiving

The Lord Means What He Says! 

We Will Each Reap The Abundant Harvest Of 
The Seeds That We Sow! 
Please Choose Your Crop Carefully! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Live In Peace With All Mankind Where Possible! Please Help To Do The Good That I Can Do When I Can, Where I Can, And To Whomever I Can Because It Is Good And It Is Right, And Because I Love You And Choose To Do What You Ask Of Me!


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