
Monday, April 4, 2022

Editing The Eternal God!?!

KJV 1 John 3:18
18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

There Is No Loving And Believing God 
Without Trusting And Obeying His Word 
By Walking According To His Will! 


We Know The Truth: 
If We Say That We Love The Lord
We Must Keep All Of His Commandments 
Not Just The Convenient, Comfortable, Ones
We Must Not Try To Rewrite The Word
Which Means "Editing" The Eternal
When His Will Conflicts With Our Desire
Or Mashes Our Corns
Or Infuriates Our Delicate Sensibilities 
Which Will Negate Our Man-Derived Conception Called 
My Truth! 

Accepting Jesus Christ Means Accepting His Word
His Will
Walking In His Way In All Particulars 
"The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want!!" 
"All Things Work Together For Our Good!" 
Are The Truth! 

Morning, Evening, Noon, Or Night
Truth Is The Same 
Whether We Are In Prosperity 
Or Suffering Through Blight! 

Let's Stop With The Word-Play 
And, Instead
Pray To The Father
In The Name Of The Son
That The Holy Spirit Will Abide With Us 
Lead Us Into All Truth 
While Life Shall Last! 

There Is No Second Chance 
To Make A First Good Impression! 

The Arm Of Man Will Fail 
So Let Us Make Our Lives Matter 
Through Exercising Faith In Jesus Christ The Lord! 


1 comment:

  1. By Your Saving Grace, Heavenly Father, Please Help Me On The Rock Of Ages, Jesus Christ The Lord, The Way, The Truth, The Light, And The Life Of Every Human!


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