
Monday, April 11, 2022

Humble Service And Sound Sleep Are Synonymous!

We Are Not Born For Worldly Greatness 
Nor Placed On This Earth To Be Served! 
Did Not Our Lord Jesus Say That 
He Did Not Come To Be Served But To Serve!?! 


If The Creator God
The King Of Earth And Glory
Our Savior, Redeemer, And Forever Friend
He Who Causes Us To Be Because He Is
Humbly Served His Own  Creation During His Earthly Sojourn 
Is Even Now In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary 
Making Intercession For Us 
So That We, Cleansed
May Return To The Father's House Of Amazing Love
Why, Why, Why Are We Becoming So Self-Centered 
Self-Serving To Demand That 
Others Serve Us Like They Are Napkins 
Good Only For Using And Refusing!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Never, Ever, Mistake 
Willing Service In The King's Camp 
For Forced Servitude In The Devil's Dungeon! 

The Lord Of Life Asks:

"Whom Shall We Send And Who Will Go For Us!?!" 

Will You Answer The Call To Service 
Or Will You Insist On Being Served 
To The Detriment Of Your Own Soul!?! 

The Proud Are Never Satisfied With What They Are Served! 

Humble Service 
Ground For Sound Sleep! 
Let's Joyfully Serve Our King Jesus! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Ever Remember That It Is Wise To Be Humble!


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