
Monday, April 25, 2022

Trust The Shepherd Of Rest!

Let Us Not Live Like Bewildered Sheep 
Who Have No Shepherd
We Were Bought At A Great Price 
By The Shepherd Who Is Our Rest
Who Leads Us To Green Pastures
Restores Our Souls! 


I Beseech Us All 
To Internalize The Ideal That Is Trust 
As Gleaned From The Good Book Of Truth 
From The Lord Of Life 
Who Is The Truth 
Dare To Rest Sheltered And Protected
Comforted And Cared For
Blessed And Bettered! 

Let's Be Thoroughly Refreshed 
In The Calm That Comes From The Knowledge That 
Our Creator Is Our Recreator
Our Savior Is Our Sanctifier
Our King Is Kind
The Good Shepherd ... Our Good Shepherd
Ever Present And Available Always! 

We Are Never Alone!

Our Shepherd, The Lord God Almighty
He Who Gives Us Time To See And Personally Know Him! 
He Dwells In Eternity And He Never Sleeps! 
He Is Our Peace
We May Sleep Soundly In Peace 
Be Refreshed And Strengthened 
To Be Refined Into Beautiful Jewels For His Crown! 

The Good Shepherd Calls Us:
It Is Our Choice To Answer Him!

If We Don't Stand Firmly By Faith 
On The Foundation Of Trust In The Lord Christ
We May As Well Be As Those Idolaters 
Who Are Worshipping The Man-Made Abominations That 
Cause Jealousy In The Heart Of Our Living Holy God! 

No Idolator Will Ever Enter
The Beautiful City Of God!

You Are Blessed! 
Our God Is Real And Returning! 
Please Dare To Live As One Dearly Loved Of The Good Shepherd
The Lord Jesus Christ! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord, For Letting Me See And Know You, And For Saving My Soul! Please Continue To Guide Me Gently, Safely, Home Because I Choose To Submit My Will To You: I Seek To Know You Better With Each Passing Day!


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