
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Do You Know Who You Are In Christ Jesus!?!

Men Identify As Women! 
Women Identify As Men! 
Men Identify As Babies! 
Women Identify As Pet-Dogs! 
How Are You Identifying Yourself!?! 

Who Or What Is Creating An Identity For You!?! 

Do You Know Who You Are In Christ Jesus!?! 


Children Live What They Learn 
If We As Children Of The Heavenly Father 
Do Not Follow Him As He Is Known Through His Preserved Word 
Aka The Transcript Of His Unchangeable, Holy, Character
We Will Identify With Those Around Us 
Who Have No Respect For What Is Good And Perfect
Who Have Chosen The Path Of Least Resistance 
Which Allows Them To Enjoy What Tickles Their Tonsils, Their Fancy 
Their Unregenerate Self! 

Follow Fad
Follow Fashion
Follow Feelings 
Becomes The Be-All And End-All Of Existence 
We Float On Any And Every Wind Of Change! 

Dear Ones, 

With No Known Destination
Any Destination ... Good, Bad, Safe, Unsafe
Your Port Of Call! 

If You Have No Anchor For Your Soul
Your Soul Will Find Anchor 
Where The Strong, Loud, And Clamorous Winds Push It! 

We ... As Committed Christians ... Are Not Anchorless! 

We Belong To The Kind King Who Knows Our Names And Nature 
Who Calls Us Who Know His Voice To His Side! 

Please Don't Sell Gold To Get Silver Like Judas! 

Know Whose You Are
Confidently Walk In His Will
In His Way
Having A Meek And Gentle Spirit 
Against Which There Is No Law! 

Be Molded By Christ 
So That You Are Not Damned Like The Devil! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In The Name Of Jesus Christ The King, Please Help Me To Become Lost In Your Holy And Amazing Love!


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