
Friday, May 6, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + GET REAL: Love Involves Labor!

Our Lord Said Two Things 
Which Should Make Us All Come-To Aka Get Real 
When It Comes To The Issue Of Love! 

"If You Love Me
Keep My Commandments!" 


"If You Love Me
Feed My Sheep And Lambs!" 


Love, According To Our Lord, Involves Labor: 
Caring For Your Own Soul 
Caring For Others! 

Nowhere In Scripture Does It Say That 
Love Is Hot And Sweaty
Buy Me This Give Me That
I Will Abuse You If You Tell Me "No!" How Dare You Do That!?! 
Because You Love Me You're My Door-Mat Got A Problem With That!?! 

It Is Time To Get Back To The Basics 
Where Love Is Kind
Never Selfish Or Cruel
Does Not Hold Grudges! 

As Committed Christians
We Seriously Need To Live Out The Love In 1 Corinthians 13 
If We Desire To Be Known As True Followers Of The King Of Love
- Our True Shepherd -
Who Alone Is Able To Get Us Safely Home To Our Father's House 
Where Life Is Heavenly, Lovely, Peaceful, And  Perfect! 

The Love That We Display As Christ's Followers 
Neither Top-Lofty, Licentious, Nor Ludicrous
With Palms Either Held Up To Receive
Or Balled-Up In A Fist To Hurt
Never Turned Down To Give 
Or Sideways To Help! 

We Get What We Give
So Let Us Share The Love That We Desire To Receive! 


1 comment:

  1. Strengthen Me, Dear Father, As I Dare To Follow The Living, Holy, Word Which Calls Me To Love My Neighbor As I Love Myself!


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