
Friday, May 27, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + The Test Of Faith!

Obedience Tests Our Faith
Our Willingness To Wait Upon 
Do The Will Of The Eternal God! 

Obedience Also Tests Whether Or Not 
We Are Truly Abiding In The Holy Faith
The Truth That Saves! 


We Worship The King Of Glory
Strict Obedience To His Will
To Walk In His Ways
Determines Our Allegiance To Him 
His Throne ... His Kingdom! 

Lucifer Wanted The King Of Glory ... His Creator
To Be Subject To Him: 
This Is What Being Delusional Looks Like!  

We Must ... As Hopeful Citizens Of The Living Kingdom
Stand Firmly In The Faith That Cannot Fail 
Knowing That Our Unflinching Obedience 
Endurance Will Be Rewarded
Our God Is True To His Word 
He Is Not A Man That He Should Lie
Nor The Son Of Man That He Should Repent 
Aka Be Sorry For Wrong-Doing! 

Dear Ones, 

Obedience From Us To Our Lord Jesus 
Speaks Squarely To Our Willingness To Follow 
The Will Of Him Who Made, Sustains, Maintains
Justifies, Sanctifies
Ultimately Redeems Us 
In The Flesh 
On The Great And Glorious Day! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Understand That Obedience In The Lord's Children 
Neither A Small Matter
Nor A Matter For Derision! 

Full Aka Strict Obedience 
A Matter Of Life And Death
Eternal Life With Or Eternal Separation From 
The Life-Giver! 

Be Wise ... 

Please Choose To Live An Obedient Life 
In Jesus Christ The Lord
Who, Alone, Saves And Seals!


1 comment:

  1. Because You Loved Me First, Because You Asked Me, Because I Love You And Trust You, And Am Willing To Go Where You Lead Me, And With The Daily Faith That You Give Me To Use To Trust You, And The Saving Grace That You So Generously Bestow, Heavenly Father, I Choose To Obey Your Word And Walk In Your Ways Into Eternal Life!


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