
Sunday, May 1, 2022

"I Am Following My Heart!?!"

Why Would We ... As A Committed-To-Christ Christians
Ever Utter The Words: 
"I Am Following My Heart!"  
When The Lord Of Life Calls Man's Heart Deceitful 
And, In Truth, Impossible To Know By Man!?! 


We Really Need To Stop Following Popular Culture 
The Self-Help No Help At All Gurus 
Who ... With Gay Abandon
Encourage People To Doubt The Word Of Almighty God 
To Gleefully Foray Into Fashionable Foolishness! 

There Was A Time When Your Parent Told You How To Live 
You Obeyed 
You Knew That They Loved You 
Wanted What Was Best For You! 

Our Father In Heaven ... Our Parent Supreme
Has Warned Against Trusting Our Deceitful 
Aka Lying, Unholy, Proud, Desperately Wicked Heart 
Which We May Only Know The Right About 
Through His Saving Grace! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Man's Heart Desires What Soothes The Senses 
Not What Pleases Almighty God 
Satisfies The Savior-Seeking Soul! 

It Takes Amazing Grace 
To Get Us To The Heights Of Christ's Surpassing Glory 
Where No Wicked, Unregenerate, Heart May Enter! 

Grace Is Available! 
Grab It! 


1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, Please Help Me To Bless My Own Soul By Having My Carnal Heart Draw Near To The Heart Of God Through The Finished Work Of The Lord Jesus Christ!


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