
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Law-Abiding, Immoral, Or Amoral!?!

Would You Ask For And Accept Help From 
Someone That You Knew Hated You!?! 

Are You A Commandment Keeper!?! 

Are You Immoral Knowing Right From Wrong 
Maliciously Doing It Anyhow!?! 


Are You Perhaps Fashionably Amoral
Neither Recognizing Nor Accepting That 
There Should Be Any Law Governing Your Behavior!?! 

Are You Living Out The Word That 
You Are The Light Of The World 
Being That Beam That 
Encourages Others To Walk Safely To Safety!?! 

Are You Living As The Tasty Salt Of The Earth 
Which Generates A Deep Thirst In Others 
Who Are Desiring To Know The Mine Aka The Mind 
From Whence Your Flavor
Your Joy, Peace, Goodness, Sweet Temper
Temperance And Gentleness Comes!?! 


Satan Hates Our Lord Jesus And, So, He Hates Us: 
Do Not Desire His Dainties Which Are Laced With Death! 

An Amoral And An Immoral Christian Isn't! 

Love For Our Lord Christ 
Commands And Displays Our Obedience! 
Our Lights Brilliantly Shine 
Our Salt-Selves Season! 

Please Let No Created Being 
Encourage You To Long For What Can't Pay 
To Walk On The Path Own-Way! 

Commandment-Keepers Don't Die 
To Then Nash Their Teeth And Wail In Outer Darkness! 
Commandment-Keepers Sleep 
To Rise Up And Reap The Sweets 
Aka Enjoy The Myriad Blessings Of The Living Kingdom! 

Be Wise! 


1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ Loves Me And I Can Definitely Prove That This Is Indeed So Because The Almighty God's Love-Letter To Mankind Most Assuredly Tells Me This Truth As I Among The Words Of Blessing Lovingly Go!


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