
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Shadow-Warriors And Light-Bearers

We All Start Life As Natural Shadow-Warriors 
Aka Willing Sinners! 
Confess Your Sin: 
Don't Confuse The Issues: 
We Can't Sin ... And Be Saved! 

By Choice, We Are Coached To Be Light-Bearers! 
Repent: Don't Repeat Your Sin! 


Look At Life! 

Grace Is A Grant! 
Love Does Not Lie! 
Truth Is Not A Terror! 
We Can't Buy Sickness! 
We Can't Sell Sorrow! 

Raging Will Not Negate The Warnings Of Almighty God! 

Denying Satan The Liar 
Without Accepting Jesus Christ The Truth 
Will Not Cause Salvation To Be Of Any Use To Us! 

Playing Pretty While Dressed In Pride 
Will Lead To Exposure 
When Our Cheap Masks Slip! 

The World Is Not A Stage 
We Are Not Actors: 
The World Is A Field Hospital 
We Are Patients Needing 
The Touch Of The Great Physician! 

Dear Ones, 

When We Get To The Cross Of Christ 
Aka The Cross-Road Of Life
We All Get To Make That One Decision: 
Sin To Damnation 
Salvation To Commendation! 

There Is No Coin-Toss Saying 
"Heads: Jesus Christ Wins!" 

There Is No Excuse For Sin 
There Is A Reason For Salvation! 

King David Asked The Lord To Not Let Presumptuous 
Aka Planned/Willful Sin 
Have Dominion Aka Control Over Him! 

Let's Do The Same Today 
Choose To Stay Where The Light Of Life 
Brilliantly Shining! 

Dare And Be A Light-Bearer For Someone Today! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You For Your Love, Lord, And For The Blessed Opportunity To Be A Light-Bearer In This Dark World Of Sin!


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