
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Superfluity Of Naughtiness And The Engrafted Word!

When Something Is Called Superfluous
It Is Not Necessary Or Beneficial! 

When Something Is Grafted
It Is Done For The Life-Giving Properties Of 
The Host Which It Absorbs: 
It Is Strengthened And Changed By The Host 
Which Gives It Life! 

Naughtiness Is Not About The Modern-Day Cutesy 
"Oh, How Precious!" 
Ridiculous Declaration 
Over Small Children's Bad Behavior! 

Naughtiness Speaks To Vile, Wicked
Reprehensible, Knowing Sinfulness! 

Filthiness Is Dirty, Stinky, Corrupting 
The Filthy Person Needs A Quick And Beneficial Trip st,
To The Laundromat Of Salvation For A Washing In The Word That 
Well Able To Save Our Souls! 


Fore-Warned Is Fore-Armed! 

Please Don't Be A Follower Of Foolishness 
To Feel That You Belong 
Or Are Wanted, Needed, By Those  Who Believe That 
They Are "All That!" Aka Important And Special
With A Cherry On Top! 

Let's Be Truly Special 
Step Briskly To The Throne Of Grace 
Be Humble Before The Lord Of Life
The King Of Glory
He In Whom We Find Our Needed Peace And Rest! 

Let Us Not Go Along To Get Along With Willing Sinners
Or Acquire The Useless 
To Inspire Jealousy In The Rootless
Or Denigrate Ourselves 
To Demonstrate Our Willingness 
To Deny Our King 
To Impress Our Enemies 
Who Refuse To Acknowledge Their Spiritual Uncleanness! 

Be Clean Now Before The All-Seeing Eyes Of The Lord Christ 
To Be Able To Physically Stand Glorified In His Fiery Presence 
At The Appointed Hour! 

Look At And Live Up To Jesus 
Live With Heavenly Love! 


1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Imbibe The Living Word As If It Is My Necessary Food!


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