
Monday, May 9, 2022

Trust The Living Word: Put Satan On Trial!

Whether We Choose To Believe It Or Not
We Have An Unreliable Narrator In The Person Of Satan
The Devil
The Dragon
The Piercing Serpent Aka The God-Fraud! 


Be Wise ... For Your Own Self! 

Satan Tells All Willing To Hear Him 
That The Living God Is Unfair
That There Is No Victory Over Sin
That The Lord Will Save All Human Beings
That Dead People Watch Over And Talk To The Living
That Sunday Is Sacred
That Man Is ImmortalThat There Is No Devil And No Hell
That There Is No Need To Grow In Grace 
We Will Be Sinners Until The Day We Physically Die
That A "Little Creature" Called A Soul 
Jumps Out Of The Then-Dead Body 
Floats Up To Heaven 
To Direct Almighty God's Traffic Up There 
For The Benefit Of The Gullible Down Here! 

Let's Get Real! 

Lucifer Nka Satan Got Thrown Out Of Heaven, For Cause
So He Has A Hidden Agenda! 

The Lord Christ 
In Heaven 
In The Most Holy Place Of The Heavenly Sanctuary
Interceding For His People
His Plan Of Salvation For Us 
Open And On Public Display
Is Actively Working! 

Who Are You Going To Believe!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Always Big Doings In Every Court Case! 

Dare To Put Satan On Trial 
Via The Living Word Of God Your Creator 
See Whose Words And Works Are Reliable Aka Trustworthy! 

The Truth ... Jesus Christ The Lord ... Was Executed 
Still Lives! 

Do The Math! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Ever Hear And Confidently Heed The Voice Of The Holy Spirit Whom You Have Promised Will Lead Me Into All Truth!


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