
Monday, May 30, 2022

Wicked People Earn Two Pay-Checks!

We Are Finite Creatures With Delusions Of Grandeur 
When We Walk Around With Malice, Envy, And Greed In Our Hearts 
Making Plans For People And Their Property! 


Meet King Ahab And His Queen Jezebel! 

Could You Imagine 
A Powerful King So Weak As To Take To His Bed
Sucking His Thumb 
Refusing His Din-Din 
He Wanted Another Man's God-Given, Law-Sealed, Property!?! 

Imagine Also 
His Dead-Conscience, Wicked, Idolatrous, Power-Mad Queen 
Who Believed That Title And Power Equalled 
Fulfilled Desire: Satisfaction Achieved 
Aka I'll Have You Killed And My Hubby Will Own Your Farm 
To Get A Few Eggs From Your Prize-Winning Chickens 
Since He Desires A Fluffy Omelette To Satisfy His Current "Hangry" Itch! 

Dear Ones, 

We May Hide And Buy Ground 
We Can't Hide And Reap It! 

Pay-Back Aka Retributive Justice
Maybe From Man
Definitely From The Living God
Always On Tap! 

Satan Has Poisoned This Earth 
With The Same Vile Spirit 
Which Caused His Dismissal From His Position 
As Lucifer-Light-Bearer! 

When We Plot To Get What Is Not Ours To Own
We Get To Own What Was Not Part Of Our Plot! 

Official Job:
Official Pay! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ...

Self-Employed Wicked Workers Decide Their Own Pay 
When By Sin 
For Satisfaction 
They Gleefully Do Their "Pleasant Work!" For Free! 

Wicked People Earn Two Pay-Checks: 
What They Demand 
What The Lord Commands! 

Our Savior States His Saints' Soul-Satisfying Salary! 

Be A Saint: 
There Is A Limit To Sin! 

The Day Of Visitation Is On The Wing! 


1 comment:

  1. Bless Me, Dear Father, As I, With Sincerity, Choose To Daily Walk With Jesus Christ The Lord!


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