
Monday, June 20, 2022

No One Can Escape Being Born In Sin!


If Power Corrupts 
Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
Does It Not Stand To Reason That 
If Being Born In Sin Corrupts
Then Indulging In Iniquity Aka Planned Sin Corrupts Absolutely!?! 


No One Can Escape Being Born Into Sin! 

The Scripture Of Truth Says That 
We Are Born In Sin 
Shaped In Aka By Iniquity 
Which Means That 
There Is A Process Of Molding Taking Place! 

Character, Who We Truly Are, Just Like A Skill
Built, Formed, Molded! 
This Takes Time, Attention, Practice, Refinement
These Acts ... Willful Acts
By Personal Choices Of Witting Aka Understanding Choosing
Leave Marks, Markers, Records In Our Name
In Our Personal Aka Spiritual File! 

Bad Character Can Be Reformed 
Bad Habits, Unprofitable Skills, Can Be Erased 
Never By Dint Of Our Own Efforts! 

Dear Ones, 

Our Savior, Jesus Christ The Lord, Calls Us To His Side
He Will, By The Working Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Reform And Regenerate Us To The Great Original 
Upon Our Personal Request Only! 

Are You Getting Ready For Jesus To Come!?! 
Are You Going To Do The Work That He Has Ordained For You!?! 
Will You Offer To The Lord His Highest Praise, Hallelujah
On The Back Of Your Highest Worship, Obedience!?! 

Will You Leave Earthly Pleasures 
Travel To The Promised Land Of Almighty God's Own Choosing 
By Leaving Sin 
Traveling To Sure Salvation By Sanctification
Aka Being Set Apart For Holy Use!?! 

Tell It To Jesus! 

Sow To Be Sealed! 


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I Was Born In Sin, But Thank The Living God, I Have Been Reborn Into The Family Of The Eternal God Through The Sacrifice Of Jesus Christ The Lord Who Quietly Calls Me To His Side So That I May Be Blessed And Be Forever Sealed And Saved! Thank You, Lord!


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