
Thursday, June 23, 2022

Pray On


Let Us Look Before We Leap Into Folly 
Think Before We Think To Speak Nonsense! 

To Pray For Oneself And For Others 
An Imperative Aka Vitally Important! 

Praying Is Not A Perhaps! 
Praying Is A Must Do
A Can't Be Done Without
A Treasure Without Measure
A Life-Line
A Direct Link To The Throne Of Grace 
Through The Ministration Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth 
We Do Not Know How To Pray As We Should 
We Should Pray Anyhow! 

Dear Ones, 

As Committed To Christ Christians
There Is No Reason For Us To Be Uncomfortable 
When A Member Of The Family Of God 
Desires To Raise Us Up To The Throne Of Grace! 

In The Midst Of Our Despair Over Food, Finances
Fellowship, Feelings, Friends, Faith
Our Future
We May Rest Easy In The Knowledge That 
Our God, The Lord Jesus Christ
The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever
Prayers Raised Up In Our Behalf Are For Our Blessing! 

Please Realize That 
If Prayers In Our Presence
In Our Behalf
Are Making Us Uncomfortable Aka Squirm
It Is Because There Is Unfinished Business 
Between Us And Our God! 

Think Of A Cockroach Who Was Partying 
Until The Light Came On! 

We All Need Prayer To Raise Us Up To God! 
Please Do Not Despise, Ignore, Neglect
Nor Disregard The Golden Parachute That 
Lifts Us Up To Glory In Him 
About Whom Was Written The Old, Old, Story! 

In Faith, I Am Praying For You! 
In Faith, Please Pray For Me! 


1 comment:

  1. I Am Glad, Dear Father, For The Blessed Privilege Of Prayer!


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