
Sunday, July 10, 2022

New Life In Christ!

Sin Makes You Blind To The Truth! 
Being Blind To The Truth Puts You In A Bind 
Being In This Bind 
From Which You Cannot Extricate Yourself By Yourself
Sin Efficiently And Effectively Causes You To Be Marked 
As One To Be Placed In The Garbage Bin 
To Be Burned At The Behest Of Almighty God 
In The Appointed Hour! 


The Song-Writer
In Agreeing With The Living Word Of The Eternal God, Says: 

"Sin Will Take You Farther Than You Want To Go!" 

Believe It! 

Sin, Like Fire
Does Not Have It In Its Make-Up 
To Just Be Contented With A Lil' Bit
Or A Goodly Portion! 

Sin, Like Fire, Wants All, Everything
Will Take It All, No Limits
Unless The Creator ... The Life-Giver
The Bread Of Life
The Water Of Life
The Sustainer Of Life
The Re-Creator Of Life
Puts A Decided Stop To Sin Aka The Raging Fire In Our Life 
With Our Permission ... At Our Request 
Through Our Acceptance Of His Free-To-All Salvation! 

Dear Ones, 

Ask For Help!
Accept The Assistance!
Allow The Holy Spirit To Work In Your Life
Appreciate The Gift Of New Life In Jesus Christ 
- Whom We All Adore - 
In Order To Ascend To Glory To Live With Him Eternally! 

Deny Satan The Father Of Lies
And With Joy 
Accept Jesus Christ The Father Of Lights!


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For The Blessing That Will Always See Me Educated And Elevated Because I Faithfully Trust In My Lord Jesus Christ!


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