
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Persistently Pray For Power To Press On!

Jesus Christ The King Of Glory
The Only Begotten Son Of 
The True And Living, Holy And Eternal God
The Messiah
The Anointed One After Whom Christians Are Named 
The One Who Calls Us To Faithfully Follow Him 
Up To The Loving Father's Peaceful House! 

We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder As We Follow Our Dear Savior 
There Is A Raptor ... A Flying Predator 
Aka Satan, The Piercing Serpent, The Dragon
Who Will Do All To Focus Our Rapt Attention 
Away From The Holy One Who, Alone, Saves! 

We Can't Allow Ourselves To Be Diverted 
By The Myriad Images, Real Or Imagined
In The Rafters Above Our Heads! 

We, By Faith, Must Choose 
To Disembark Our Flimsy Raft Called Temporary-Thing 
Get On Board The Solid And Secure Old Ship Of Zion 
Which Goes In One Direction 
To Its Only Port Of Call 
On Its Only Voyage! 

The Old Ship Of Zion 
Will Always Stop To Pick Up Passengers! 

Some Passengers Who Have Not Found Their Strength In Jesus 
Will Jump Ship 
Or Disembark The Old Ship 
There Is No Earthly Entertainment 
The Atmosphere Is Clean ... Too Clean
Bereft Of Those Things 
Which Take The Heart Away From The Lord Christ! 


We Can Neither Safely Love A Lie 
Nor Live A Lie! 

Only The Truth Will Bless The Spirit 
Satisfy You Aka The Living Soul
The Soul In Its Search For Sure And Secure Salvation! 

Please Persistently Pray For Power To Press On! 


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Consistently, Persistently Pray On Because I Have Chosen To Make Peace With And Be At Peace In My Maker, My God, And My Kind King Who, Alone, Saves To The Uttermost! I Love You, Lord!


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