
Saturday, July 16, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Prayer: Father, I Choose To Boast Of My Lord Christ!


Heavenly Father, 
I Come To You As A Child
Trusting You At Your Sovereign Word That 
You Will Train Me Up In The Way That I Should Go 
So That I Will Put Away Childish Things
Grow Up In Your Saving Grace 
So That Nothing That The Adversary Of My Soul Does
To Try And Turn Me Away From
The Path Of Righteousness 
Will Entice Me To Depart From The Light That 
Leads To Your Everlasting Life! 

I Come To You As An Eager Student
In The Eternity School Of My Lord Jesus 
Who, Alone, Saves 
I Ask You For The Eraser
To Clean The Tablet That Is My Heart
Of All Useless, Unprofitable, Ungodly Things 
Which Would Stunt My Growth
As A Child Of The Everlasting Father
The Prince Of Peace! 

In Saving Faith, Father 
I Beseech You For Your Writing Instrument That 
Will Burn The Truth Into My Heart Permanently 
So That My Thoughts Are Ever With You
My Words To My Brethren
Will Be The Wonderful Words Of Life! 

Father, I Choose To Boast Of My Lord Christ 
So I Come To You As A Willing Worker 
Desiring To Utilize A Space As A Worker In The Fields 
Which The Master Said Are Ripe For Harvest 
But For Which The Workers Are Few 
To Reap His White Wheat 
Bring That Goodly Harvest Home To His Barn! 

Father, My Hope Is In The Lord 
I Plead With You To Teach And Feed Me
Lead And Guide Me
Direct And Correct Me
Protect And Provide For Me
Commission And Accompany Me 
As I Seek To Do Your Holy Bidding
For It Is In Jesus Christ's Holy Name That 
I, Poor And Needy, Humbly Plead! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Dear Father, For The Privilege Of Lifting Up My Heart To You In Heartfelt Prayer In The Name Of Jesus Christ My Lord!


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