
Thursday, July 7, 2022

Winding Up As Two Nuts Short Of A Pack!?!

Handling Hardships With Almighty God's Gift Of Grace 
Makes One Hardy To Endure The Trials Of This Life! 

"Ohhh, Sure!" 

Says The One Who Desires To Live The Life Of Riley 
On Easy Street! 


We All Know That There Is No Human 
Who Would Not Prefer Life On Easy Street! 

The Problem Is That The Introduction Of Sin 
Caused Our Maker, God, And King To Curse Humanity 
With Labor, Work, To Be Able To Eat His Daily Bread! 

Therefore, Anyone 
- From The Womb To The Tomb - 
Who Chooses To Work At Not-Working And Playing To Play
And In Essence
Choosing The Life Of The Hedonist
Constantly Seeking Pleasures Forevermore On This Earth
In This Vale Of Tears
Standing Up In His Self-Chosen Lot
Directly Against The Will Of Almighty God! 

How Do You Think That Is Going To End!?! 

How Often Have You Seen 
The Disasters Of Living The High Life 
When Its Practitioners Effectively And Efficiently 
Crash And Burn
Flame Out
Or Wind Up As Two Nuts Short Of A Pack!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Work ... As Ordained By The Holy God
For Our Blessing: 
Choosing To Live On The Party Boat Is Not! 

Choosing To Honor The Lord Is A Blessing: 
Choosing To Honor Ourselves Is Not! 

Idle Hands Are The Devil's Workshop! 

Be Wise And Work Now 
For Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work! 

Live With Love For The Lord 
Not For The Pride Of Life! 

Wha' Sweet'n Goat Mout' Does Bu'n 'e 'n 'e Tail! 
Take Heed! 
Jesus Christ Is Lord! 


1 comment:

  1. Dear Father, I Believe You At Your Word That You Will Never Leave Me Or Forsake Me! Please Help Me To Stand Firm In Your Truth Which Can Never, Ever, Be Changed Into A Lie!


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