
Monday, August 1, 2022

Contented With Or Contemptuous Of ... The Lord Of Life!?!

Have You Ever, By Will Or By Accident
"Mistaken" The Words Content And Contempt!?! 

Have You Ever Neglected To Be Contented 
With What The Good Lord In Mercy Has Provided For You
Even If It Is Biscuits Aka Crackers 
And Not Your Favored Raisin Bread With Pretend-Chicken Salad 
And By So Doing
Shown Contempt For Almighty God!?! 


The Air Of Discontent Is Perfuming The Atmosphere 
Infecting People 
With The Attitude Even Unto The Character Of Contempt 
Which Causes Many To "Show" Themselves As "God" 
And Thus 
Captain Of Their Own Ship 
Master Of The Winds Of Strife 
The Unstable Waves Of Life 
Driven And Tossed By Said Winds Which Have No Destination 
Predetermined By Finite, Frail, And Fragile Man! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us This Day Disabuse Ourselves Of 
The Fallacious Aka False "Knowledge" That 
We May Hold The Eternal God In Contempt
As A Being Of No Value
Escape Unscathed! 

Jesus Christ Is Almighty God In Flesh 
We Are Because He Is 
We Are Fed Because He, In Love, Provides! 

May We Consider 
Find Satisfaction, Rest, And Refreshing In Knowing That 
All That We Have ... And Are
Our Blessed Jesus Provides! 

Please Hold Sin ... And Self ... In Contempt 
Not Our Dear Savior Jesus
By Whom We Live And Breathe And Prosper
For Whom We Should Live To Honor, Worship, And Serve! 


1 comment:

  1. You Have Promised, Dear Father, That When My Mother And Father Forsake Me That You Will Take Me Into Your Care, And When All The World Turns Against Me, I May Rest Assured That You Will Be There By My Side: I Believe You And I Trust In You For My Own Soul's Salvation!


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