
Monday, August 22, 2022

DENY THE LIAR: Don't Ever Be Presumptuous!


Please Do Not Be Presumptuous! 

You Are Not Called To Be Yourself! 
You, Me, We Are All Called To Be Like Jesus Christ! 

Don't Sit ... Don't Stand ... And Boldly Say: 
This Is Who I Am! 
I'm Changing For No Man! 

Are You Not Aware That 
When One Is In The Godly Relationship That
For Love, Not Fame, Fashion, Or Favor
Grace Causes One To Change 
So That Love Is A Sweet-Smelling Savor
For Joy, For Peace ... For Sweet Release!?! 

Do You Not Know
How Can You Not Understand That
To Be In A Committed Relationship With The Son Of God
The Son Of Man
You Come As You Are
That Way You May Not Stay!?! 

Love Works! 
Love Worked! 
Love Is Working So Love Cannot Permit The Beloved 
To Remain Unclean: 
Holy Is The Lord Most High! 

To Be Like Him
We Must Self, Sin, And Satan Deny! 

We Must Cling To Truth With New Washed Hands 
If It Is Our Heart's Desire To Enter ... By Right
The Blessed, The Beautiful, Beulah Land! 

Justification Is Instant Change! 
Sanctification Is Continual Changing! 
Glorification Is Instantaneous Change
None Of These Can We Do For Ourselves! 

Since We Are Living To Love The Lord
We Must Let The Love Of God Abide In Us 
Or Else In The Great Day Of Small Things
We Shall Be Like Him Who Saw Heavenly Love 
Through Self-Serving Eyes! 

That One Shall Surely Cry And Die! 

Dear Ones, 

Let's Do Right 
The Father Liar's Lies Defy 
It Is Home With Christ Jesus That 
We Choose, By Appointment, To Fly! 


1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Ever Approach You With A Humble Heart And Never With A Presumptuous Spirit!


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