
Saturday, August 20, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: The Father Gives: Let Praise Be What You Do!


The Father Gives! 
Jesus Christ Provides! 
The Holy Spirit Reveals! 

And Thee, Oh, Man Of Flesh
What Dost Thou Do!?! 

Every Saint Of God And Christ
Comforted And Taught Of The Holy Spirit Of Truth
Daily Protected By The Holy Angels
Those Beings Of Excellent Strength
Should Have A Song Of Praise And Thanks 
Ringing In The Portals Of Heaven Through And Through! 

Are You A Sinner ... Saved!?! 
A Child ... Loved!?! 
A Student ... Taught!?! 
A Servant ... Employed!?! 
A Saint ... Sanctifying
Going From Death To Life
From Lying To Truth By Grace
With Mercy
For Love
With Light
Eating Good Food ... Truth Satisfying
Drinking The Water Of Life From The One Without Guile
The Lord Of Life ... No Denying!?! 

Then Raise The Song! 
Sing The Song! 
Let Your Heart's Song Fill The Air! 
Let Your Light From Almighty God Shine! 
Let Your Love For The Eternal God Be Everywhere! 
Let Your Faith In The Glorious God Testify
Daily Do A Damage Against The Adversary Of Your Soul: 
See To It That You Make The Devil Cry! 

Let The Spirit Of The Lord In You Rise
Our Great And Giving God Graciously, Thankfully
Joyfully Glorify! 

Let Praise Be What You Do 
Jesus Christ Willingly Died To Personally Save You
Me, Too! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, By You Great Grace, I Will Sing Songs Of Joy And Gladness Because I Am Happy In My Lord Christ Jesus!


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