
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

We Now Have The Opportunity To Do Love!

Amazing Grace For Us 
Comes From The Heart Of Abiding Love Toward Us! 


Even Though Our Human Known Carnal Hearts 
Are Toward Committing Evil Continually
The King Of Love 
- Who Is Our Only Shepherd And Savior - 
Freely Decided To Give To Us The Way
The Opportunity To  Know, Experience
Do Love Right! 

Not One Of Us In Our Right Minds
Having Been With The Lord Christ
Will Choose To Be Unlovely Aka Ugly
Unloving, Unkind, Or Uncaring! 

Jesus Christ Is The Perfect Example Of Love! 
He Is Love Personified 
Will Not Reject Any Of Us Who Choose To Find A Home 
Under His Banner Of Love! 

To Know Jesus Is To Love Jesus 
To Love Jesus Is To Love Our Brethren 
- As We Love Ourselves - 
By Blood, By Faith, By Affection
By Reason Of The Fact That 
They Are Created By The God Who Sees, Feels, Hears
Sees Every Single Thing That We Think, Say, And Do! 

Dear Ones, 

Without Our Blessed Lord's Amazing Grace And Abiding Love
We Would Not Exist! 

We Now Have The Opportunity To Do Love 
To Stand Firm In The Unfailing Faith That 
Jesus Christ Daily Gives To Us To Be ... For Him! 

Please Do Not Permit The Damned One 
To Encourage You To Scorn Your Daily Blessings 
From The Eternal One God 
Who Gives Grace Aka Favor Aka Power! 

Please Let Love Abide With You 
Dare To Abundantly Share It With Others!  


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Love You More Than Everything Else In The World!


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