
Monday, September 26, 2022

Let's Get Rid Of Our Toss And Buy-Back Way Of Life!

We Are Broke ... And Broken
And Yet 
We Live In A Discard And Replace Society! 

Our Father, Almighty God
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord
The King
Creator Of Everything, Is Not Broke 
Operates A Repair And Regenerate Plant! 

Why The Discrepancy!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Our God Is The God Of Order Who Knows Everything 
Including The End From The Beginning
Sees Everything Including Seeing Us Better Than We See Ourselves
Knows Who We Can Become If We Accept His Help
Is Always Present 
Which Means That He Is Available To Hear Our Faintest Cry 
Answer Our Prayers Of Faith For Help And Healing! 


Our God Doesn't Count The Heads Of Cattle That He Owns: 
He Counts The Number Of Hills Upon Which His Cattle Reside! 
He Knows Us Each By Name And By Nature 
He Counts The Number Of Hairs On Our Head! 
He Knows Every Mistake That We Will Make 
He Has One Thousand Ways To Save Us! 


We Are In Good Hands 
With The Lord Of Love, Life, And Light! 

Let's Get Rid Of Our Toss And Buy-Back Way Of Life 
Start Using The Lord's "Set Aside Sin And Pray To Be Saved Plan" 
Which Permits Us To Use His "My Life For Yours" Eternal Profit Account 
Which Has No Limit! 

We Can't Fool The Lord! 

He Will Work With ... And On Us 
We Will Unashamedly Cooperate With 
Stand Our Ground By His Riven Side! 

Please Believe The Truth That Saves
Do Right
Live Eternally!


1 comment:

  1. Please Help Me, Dear Father, To Willingly Toss Sin Out Of My Life And Choose To Walk Wisely With The Lord Of Life Who Willingly Gave Himself For Me So That I May Be A Participant In Your Buy-Back From Sin, Death, And Hell Program!


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