
Monday, October 24, 2022

If A Dumb Animal Can Understand The Assignment, So Can We!

We Can Learn A Lot From A Dog! 


If You Have Ever Seen One Of Those News Reports 
About An Obedient And Faithful Dog Aka Man's Best Friend 
Who We Know Has Been Abandoned, Deserted
But Who Had Been Instructed To Wait For Its Master 
Will Not Leave Its Post Of Duty 
Even Though Others Understand Its Situation 
Are Trying To Help The Poor Dear
We, Committed Christians, Should Have 
An "Aha!" Moment! 

Dear Ones, 

If A Dumb Animal Can Understand The Assignment
So Can We! 

We Are To Wait ... Patiently ... On The Lord Jesus 
With The Full Expectancy Of The Fore-Knowledge That 
He Favors Us 
Will Call Unto Us
Hear Us, Help Us, Heal Us
Feed Us, Protect Us
Direct Us, Correct Us
Deliver Us, Bless Us, Teach Us 
In The Glad Day
Collect Us Whom He Has Already Redeemed 
From Death, The Grave 
The Damnation That Is Hell
To Carry Us Home! 

King David Knew The Depth Of Despair 
He Experienced The Height Of The Euphoria That 
Comes When One Finally Experiences
Contentment In And With Christ 
When We Touch Him Aka Home By Faith
Look Forward With Unabashed Joy 
To The Fulfillment Of The Blessed Hope
The Eternity Of Peace That 
Life With Our Dear Savior 
In The Land Of Love
The Home Of The Forever Blessed! 

Got Questions!?! 

Jesus Christ Is Always The Answer: 
Keep Your Hope In Him Alive! 


1 comment:

  1. Help Me, Dear Father, To Use Your Gift Of Wisdom, Which You Instructed Me To Request If I Felt A Lack, To Make Wise And Profitable Decisions Which Will See Me Entering The Eternal City At The Appointed Hour After My Lord Christ's Return For His Faithful Children!


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