
Monday, October 17, 2022

Lean On The Lord Of Love Who Loves You!


As Practicing, Fundamentalist Aka Bible-Believing Christians
We Should Know That The One Being That 
We May With Unimpeachable Confidence Repose Our Hopes 
Have Unfaltering Trust In 
Jesus Christ The Lord 
Who Will Tell Us The Truth
Show Us The Holy Way
Carry Us Safely To The Glad Day! 
From His Undying Love
Do Not Stray!


We Should See
We Should Know That The Strong Arm Of Man 
A Poor Weapon In A War! 

We Should Know And Accept That 
In Your Time Of Plenty 
When You Are Lady Bountiful And Lord Sharer
Everybody Is Your Best Friend 
In Your Time Of Dearth, Of Need
It Is You Alone With Your God! 

Dear Ones, 

Let's Be Wise For Our Own Selves 
Operate As The Old Time Shop-Keepers Used To Declare: 

"Trust God:
Everybody Else Pays Cash!" 

The Lord Doesn't Lie! 
Horses Don't Fly! 
Rats Eating Onions Do Cry
Enduring, Trusting, Faithful, Committed Saints Of God And Christ 
Shall Arrive At The Holy City By And By! 

Put Your Confidence In The Living God 
Stop Relying On Dying Man 
Who, To Save His Own Skin, Will Readily Tell A Lie 
The Holy God Deftly Defy! 

Please Elevate Your Expectations: 
Raise Your Gaze By Faith To The King Of Glory! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord, For Being The Sure And Secure Rock Of My Salvation! I Give You Heartfelt Thanks And Unfeigned Praise!


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