
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Speak What You Would Gladly Eat!

When Something Is Running The Course Of Nature
It Means That There Is No Interference Or Intervention 
By External Sources Or Forces! 

Sooo, If The Tongue Of Man
- Which Indulges In Iniquity Aka Planned Sinning -
Sets On Fire The Course Of Nature
We May Safely Say: 

"Lord, Please Pity Us
Have Mercy Upon Us!" 


It Is The Lord Himself Who Says That 
The Tongue Is A Defiling Implement Aka A Tool, A Weapon
Is A Fire 
Is Set On Fire Of Hell! 

Dare To Imagine This Planet On Fire! 

Dear Ones, 

Scripture Clearly Tells Us That 
Hell's Fire Will Not Be By Hands Put Out 
Will Consume Until There Is Nothing Left To Be Consumed! 

Why, Then, In The Name Of The Blessed Jesus
Would Any Of Us Not Desire To Ask Our Beloved Creator 
To Bridle Our Tongue!?! 

Words Into The Wind
Even Words Spoken Without Malicious Intent 
Can Never Be Recalled
Far Less Words Which Were Deliberately Designed 
Assigned To Burn
Hurt, Cut,  Denigrate, And Destroy! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Pay Attention To Your Heart! 
Ask Yourself If It Is In The Holy Faith
Plead With The Lord Jesus To Bridle Your Tongue 
Help It To Speak Good And Kind Words 
To Keep You Under His Wings! 

Our Own Fiery Words 
Will Boomerang On Us To Devastating Effect 
So Choose To Speak What You Would Gladly Eat! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, In The Name Of My Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, Bless Me To Ever Let The Words That I Utter Be Those Which Edify!


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