
Saturday, October 15, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Let Your Request Be Made Known!

We Serve The Living, Loving, Holy God Who Cannot Lie! 

By His Own Admission
He Declares That He Is The Truth! 

Out Of His Own Mouth
He Plainly Invites Us To Come Boldly Before His Throne
The Throne Of Grace
To Obtain Mercy
Find Grace Aka Unmerited Favor, Aka Power ... His Gift
In Our Time Of Need! 

He Even Showed Us How To Pray! 

He Has Said That He Is The Good Shepherd
Our Refuge
Our Strength
Our Strong Tower
He Has Made It Abundantly Clear That 
He Cannot Change
That He Loves Us, You, Me, We
With An Everlasting Love! 

He Declares That His Banner Over Us Is Love
That He Is Light ... And Life
The Only Way To The Eternal Father's House! 

His Name Is Prince Shiloh
The Prince Of Peace
He Is Our Perfect Peace! 


Today Is The Day To Choose Not To Harden Our Hearts 
To Take This Holy God At His Eternal Word
Using His Words
Which Are A True Transcript Of His Character
Plead For The Very Help That You Are In Need Of 
At This Very Moment! 

Let Us Pray In Faith ... Nothing Wavering
Try The Lord 
Who Says That There Is Nothing Too Hard For Him To Do! 

Know The Right ... 

Our Request
His Word
His Will
His Way
Our Good
His Glory
His Timing
Our Enduring Faith: 
All Will Be Well! 

Thank You, Dear Lord! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, I Am Grateful For The Privilege Of Coming Before Your Holy Throne Of Grace To Obtain Mercy, And Find Grace To Help In My Time Of Need Which Is Every Day That I Live And Breathe, And Have My Being!


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