
Friday, November 11, 2022

HAPPY SABBATH + Prayer: Lord, I Am Yours Three Times!



I Am Yours Three Times
And My Heart Is Made Glad!

I Am Blessed And I Know It!
I Am Yours Because You Said That When I Pray
That I Should Say:
"Our Father Which Art In Heaven!" 
I Am Your Child!

I Am Yours Because You Said
"Trust In The Lord With All Your Strength
And Lean Not On Your Own Understanding ...!
 I Am An Eager Student In The School Of Jesus!

I Am Yours Because You Asked:
"Whom Shall I Send And Who Will Go For Us!?!"
I Am Your Willing Servant Ready For Duty
And Awaiting Your Equipping For Service!

I Am Yours Because I Know That
You Are The Creator God Who Made Me In Your Own Image
After Your Own Likeness!

 I Am Yours Because You Sent Your Only Son
Jesus Christ The Lord Of Life
To Die The Death Of The Accursed
So That I May Be Redeemed From Sin
To Return To Your House, My Father's House
Cleansed, Accepted, Made Incorruptible
And Immortalized
To Live The Life Of The Eternally Blessed

I Am Yours Because I Cried:
"Oh, Wretched Man That I Am!
Who Shall Deliver Me From The Body Of This Death!?!"
And You Answered And Said:
"Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden
And I Will Give You Rest!
I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life!"

I Am A Sinner By Nature And By Long Practice
And Knowing That My Life Condemned Me To Death
I Cried Unto You
And You Brought Me Up To Your Level
As I Prayed For Deliverance
And You Ever So Gently Said By The Messenger: 
"If We Confess Our Sin
He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sin
And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness!" 

I Humbly Confessed And You Drew Me To Your Side! 

I Started To Cry And In You, I Did Humbly Confide!

There Are No Secrets Between Us!
All That I Need To Know, And Do
You Teach Me Day By Day!

All The Work Necessary To Be Performed
I Strive And, By Grace, Do It Willingly:
New-Day Faith Is Pay! 

By Your Living Word
To The Throne Of Grace I, Moment By Moment, Go
Because I Do Not Choose To Know Life
As The Sinning World Knows It!

I Choose To Use The Gifts You Have Given To Me
And My Free Choice, My Free Will, I Give To You, My King
My Father, My Lord, My God, My Savior, And My Friend
Who Has Chosen To Love And Keep Me In Your Holy Care
So That I May Have The Record Clear
The Character Without Blemish
And The Lot With No Lease
Because You, Being Ever Kind
Have Made Me Your Responsibility!

Soon, Very Soon
My Faithful Endurance
Shall See Me Crossing The Separating Line
So That I Shall Know As I Am Known
And See As I Am Seen
And I Shall Forever Behold Your Face
The Face Of My Beloved, My God Holy Divine!

You Are The Bread Of Life!
You Are The Water Of Life!
You Are The Oil Of Gladness!
You Are Giving Me Beauty For Ashes
So, Please, I Beseech You
Pour Out Of Your Holy Spirit Into This Jar Of Clay
Because You Are My All And All
And I Worship You!

I Love You
And I Sing Your Praises
And I Pray All These Things In Jesus Christ's Holy Name
The Dear Name Blessed Forever!
Please Come For Us Soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord, For The Privilege Of Prayer, The Blessing Of Invitation To The Throne Of Grace, And The Living Word Of Truth Which Shows Me The Light Of Life Which Calls Me To Your Side!


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