
Saturday, November 19, 2022

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Over-Populated ... With A Baby Shortage!?!


Be Aware! 

In The Space Of Less Than A Week
We Have Two Competing Stories 
Which Are Actually One Story: 

The World Is Over-Populated ... And Something Must Be Done 


Populations Are Aging ... And There Are Not Enough Babies Being Born! 

Both Of These Stories Come From Notable "Experts" On The Issues
It Is Impossible For Both Of These Stories To Be True! 

We Can't Be Over-Populated 
Under-Populated At One And The Same Time! 

Didn't The Eternal God
Create The Earth Himself!?!


A Committed To Christ Christian Has To Be, By Definition
A Competent Reader Searcher-Researcher Of The Word 
Who Is Willing To Ask The Lord To Grant Wisdom 
To Fill An Obvious Lack! 

Dear Ones, 

There Will Be No Idiot-Children In Heaven 
We, Being Taught Of Almighty God
Will Be Able To Spot A Snow-Job Even In A Snow-Storm 
On Earth! 

Satan Is Our Mortal Enemy 
When Your Enemy Is Identifying Your Problem
Proposing And Campaigning For 
Their Solution To Your Problem
Christian, You Done Gots Yourself Situated On That There Thing Called 
The Horns Of A Dilemma 
You Don't Truly Know The Will, Ways, And Working Of 
Your True And Only Savior, Lord, God, And King! 

Jesus Christ Made A Flying Serpent Into A Wriggling Worm
Made A Street Through The Sea
Gave A Braying Donkey A Voice Box
Stopped Time
Made A Proud King Eat Common Grass
Fertilized Barren Wombs
Raised The Done And Dead To Life
So You May Trust Him To Give You A Mind 
To See And Know The Truth!  

Wisely And Freely Dare To Question Lying Man 
Unfailingly Trust And Obey Jesus Christ The Lord 
Who Is The Truth 
Which Never Changes 
Even When Cast Down! 

Pray For The Holy Spirit's Guidance
Open Your King James Bible 
Read With Healed Eyes And A Sharpened Mind! 


1 comment:

  1. I Am Listening To Your Still, Small, Voice, Dear Father, Because You Have Promised That I Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set Me Free: I Am Humbly Following After The Lord Jesus!


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