
Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023 ... In The Lord Jesus Christ's Holy Care!

Have You Ever Considered Why The Lord Stipulated 
The Body And The Body Parts  Mentioned In Deuteronomy 19:21 
What It Means To Us Today!?! 

Life ... For Life! 
Eye ... For Eye! 
Tooth ... For Tooth! 
Hand... For Hand! 
Foot ... For Foot! 


Let's See!

No Life ... You're Dead 
Dead Men Have No Hope! 

If You Take Someone's Life
You Rob That Dear Someone Of Hope
Of A Future Better State! 

Let's Not Talk About Fate! 
That Person Was A Fatality! 

You Take One Eye And You Unbalance A Person: 
Two Eyes Make Your Circle Of Sight Complete! 

Having Only One Eye Gives A Person A Blind Spot 
They Are Therefore Hindered In Their Walk! 

If You Take A Man's Front Tooth Without Permission ... By Force
You Put A Gap In His Smile
A Lisp In His Speech
A Pain In His Mouth
You Hinder Him In His Eats
You Make Him Self-Conscious, A Spectacle
In The Prize For Appearance
You've Got Him Well And Truly Beat! 

You Take A Man's Hand: 
How Much Work Can He Do!?! 

You Take A Man's Leg: 
In A Battle For Life, What Help Can He Give!?! 

Dear Ones, 

That Is The Minute! 

Now Let's See The Picture Grand!

A Man With These Physical Defects Would Not Be Able 
Before The Lord In Service In The Sanctuary To Stand! 

Without Spot! 
Without Blemish! 

On The Other Side
It Is Better To Be Blind And Saved Into The Living Kingdom! 

Your Eye Guides You In Your Direction 
So If You Have A Wayward Eye
It Is Better To Do Away With It 
Be Saved And Blessed
Than To Be Wayward 
Be Eternally Lost! 

It Is Also Better To Lack A Hand Or Foot 
Be Saved Into The Living Kingdom! 

Brethren Beloved,

Your Hand Touches The Thing That Tempts 
Throws Away All That Would The Body Temple Defile! 

Your Feet Take You ... Away To Sin And Away From Good 
To The Kingdom Of The Blessed 
As You Choose To Do The Good And Right! 

We Each Have Eyes, Ears
A Nose, A Mouth, A Heart
Hands And Feet
A Brain To Make It All Go
So Please Listen To Me I Beg, Plead, And Beseech
Make Your Calling And Election Sure:
Unsanctified Bodies 
Shall Not To Holy Heaven Go! 
Walk Holy, Wise, And Undefiled! 



1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For Remaining The Same Holy God Even Though You Have Given Unto Us Another New Year To Continue On With Our Christian Growth By Your Saving Grace!


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