
Saturday, January 28, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Don't Be Blind To The Light Or Deaf To The Message!


Since Light, Physical Or Spiritual, Is There ... Is Here
To Show Us The Safe Way To Walk
Why Would We Choose To Be Blind To The Light 
Prefer To Walk In Darkness That Leads To Death!?! 

Since The Lord Jesus Has Given Us His Living, Holy Word 
As A Message Of Salvation With Its Attending Call To Repentance
Why Would We Choose To Ignore, Reject, Reinterpret
Refuse That Message Which Is Truth That Saves!?! 


Our Blessed Jesus 
Our Only Savior And Our Only Healer
The Onus, Duty, Responsibility ... Burden ... Is Upon Us 
To Choose To Accept The Unspeakable Gift That 
Laid Out Before Us From The Hand Of Him Who Is Our Provider! 

Dear Ones, 

When The Lord Of Life Says To Do "It" 
Do It! 

When The Lord Of Love Says "Go!" 
Get To Stepping! 

When The Lord Calls Your Name
He Is Personally Calling You So Answer! 

Our Salvation Is Free And Available 
Our Healing Is Free And Efficacious! 

The Lord Is Not Deceitful 
Neither Should We Be 
When We Accept His Healing And His Salvation
Nor When We Offer Up Our Praises For His Bountiful Blessings! 

The Lord Jesus, The Truth
Our Light And Our Salvation
Our Only Way Home To Our Father's Home On High! 

Please, Beloved, Accept And Act On The Message
Walk In The Living Light That Leads To Everlasting Life


Joyfully Praise Almighty God 
From Whom All Of Our Blessings Continually Flow! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, I Know That Jesus Christ Is The Light Of The World And I, Of My Own Free Will, Choose To Accept Him As The Light Of My Life! I Also Willingly Choose To Hear And Heed His Message Of Soul Salvation And Dare To Light A Righteous Life! May Your Grace Be Always Sufficient For Me!


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