
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

AMAZING WORDS: Who Can You Turn On!?!

Words Are Amazing! 

Look At This ...

Who Can You Turn On!?! 

This Sentence Has Multiple Meanings 
Depending On Context, Occasion, Or Association
We Will Know How To Behave! 

Let's Set Aside The Sensual 
Look At The Anger Caused By Betrayal! 

What Is Your Response When You Feel Betrayed!?! 
Is Your Response Christian Or Criminal!?! 

Moving Along Briskly, Please Consider 
Who Can You Turn On ... To The Lord Jesus, Our Savior And King!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Have You Considered That The Lord God Almighty
In The Person Of Our Blessed Jesus Christ 
Worthy Of Our Excited Proclamation Of His Goodness And Grace 
He ... Being Love And Light
Only Ever Commands Us To Do What Is Right 
Always Ever Makes Promises To Us Of What Is True!?! 

Do You Know That Doubting And Distrusting The Lord 
Unbelief And Disobedience!?! 

Since The Lord Is True ... And The Truth
His Word Is The Truth
Our Having The Double-Mindedness Of The Doubter 
Who Is Unstable In All His Ways 
Causing Us To Tread On Dangerous Ground 
We Are Become As Satan
As Adversaries Of The Living Holy God
As Betrayers Of Truth And Righteousness! 

In This View, We Are As Deceitful Bows
Which Look Right And Pull Left! 

Words Are Amazingly Powerful! 
How Are You Using Your Words!?! 
Who Benefits When Your Mouth Opens And A Story Jumps Out!?! 

Words Work And Words War! 
Please War Against Sin 
Work As An Ambassador For Christ Today! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Help Me So That The Words Which I Speak Will Be Those Which Say That I Have Been And Am Walking Wisely With My Lord Jesus Christ!


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