
Saturday, February 11, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Satan Says: "Plant What You Want To Grow!"


The Lord Says: "Always Obey!" 
Satan Says: "Obedience Is A Crutch!" 

The Lord Says: "Always Walk In Truth!" 
Satan: "Truth Is A Clown's Hat!" 

The Lord Says: "Grow Where You Are Planted!" 
Satan Says: "Plant What You Want To Grow!" 

The Lord Says: "By Faith, Endure!" 
Satan Says: "If You Can't See, That's A Big "No!" 

Brethren, Beloved, 

I Hope And Pray That You See That 
The One Who Loves You Is Looking Out For Thee! 

The Adversary Of Your Soul Is He, The Father Of Lies
He Desires Your Destruction
Hence His Urging You To Live Through Your Eyes! 

Satan Desires You To Break-Off Communication 
With The Lord Who Gives You Life 
So That He, Himself, Can Break-Through 
Have Total Control Of Your Life! 

No One Whose Life Is In Satan's Control 
Will Ever See The Breaking Of The Great Day In Peace 
Break Bread In The Glorious Feast 
Where Our Dear Lord Is The Head! 

A Bre'k-Down Merchant Is In Misery
So He Eagerly Desires To Have Company
So Satan ... Of That Ilk
Desires To Take Your Honey And Your Milk 
And, Thereby, Beloved
Out Of The Happy Eternity 
He Seeks To Have You Bilked! 

The Lord Says: "Pray!"
Satan Says: "Prey!" 

The Lord Says: "Care!"
Satan Says: "Crave!" 

The Lord Says: "Love!" 
Satan Says: "Lure!"

The Lord Says: "Learn!"
Satan Says: "Spurn!" 


Be Wise! 
Be Faithful! 
Be Clean! 
Be Useful! 
Be Helpful
On The Lord Of Life Lean 
For Blessing
For Favor
For Peace And For Rest
Deny That Liar, Satan
If You Desire To Be The Spiritual And Forever Blessed
Glory-Bound Success! 

Obedience To Jesus Christ Is A Necessity 
In Order To Live In The Redeemed Saints And Holy Angels' 
Heavenly Paradise Community! 

Satan Won't Be There 
So Do Not His Bombast, Roaring, Raging, And Snarling Fear! 
Keep The Lord Christ In Your Manager And Director's Chair! 
For Going To Almighty God's Glory 
Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready ... Prepare! 


1 comment:

  1. By Your Grace, Dear Father, Please Help Me To Grow Where You Have Planted Me And Bless Me To Bear Fruit Suitable For The Barns Of My Lord Jesus Christ!


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