
Saturday, February 4, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: What Are You Celebrating!?!


What Is There About Your Life That 
Has You "Celebrating!?!" 

Are You A Humble Saint Of God And Christ 
Celebrating "Christ In Me My Hope For Glory!" 
Are You An Unrepentant Sinner Indulging Willful Blindness
Excited About "Pastor, Priest, And Pope Said ...!" That 
There Is No Victory Over Sin 
We Will Be Sinning Until Christ Comes 
God Is Going To Save Everybody In The Great Day!?! 


Does Not The Preserved Word Of God
The "Thus Saith The Lord" Count 
When We Decide What To Celebrate About Our Lives And Living!?! 

Dear Ones, 

The Willful Wandering World 
Celebrates The Sensual, The Sinister, And The Sinful! 

The Saints Of God Celebrate Salvation
The Sinless Estate 
We Are Called To Do So By Prince Shiloh, Our Only Savior! 

Shouldn't We Daily Celebrate The Life Of Christ
Our Lives In Christ
Our Hoped-For Future Lives With Christ!?! 


Any Celebration Of The Human Condition That 
Is Not 
Prefixed By "By God's Great Grace!" 
Wrapped Up In His Manifold Blessings 
A Celebration Best Set Aside! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Us Who Choose To Make Jesus First, Last, And Always
Choose To Look Up And Press On To Glory 
Celebrating Our Daily Victories Over Sin, Self, And Satan! 
Almighty God Is With Us! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Heavenly Father, For The Unspeakable Gift That Has Me Celebrating My New Life In Jesus Christ My Lord!


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