
Friday, March 31, 2023

HAPPY SABBATH + Refuse To Be Refuse!


Jesus Christ, The One Holy And Therefore Righteous
The God Wise And Therefore Just
The Forever Friend Who Is Therefore Faithful
Our Only Savior And Thus The Truth
Our Creator-God And Only Redeemer
Calls Us To His Side Via Confession And Repentance Of Sin! 

The Call Of Jesus Christ Gives Us Hope
Our Walk With Jesus To The Father's House Of Joy And Peace 
In The Glorious Kingdom 
A Transformative One 
It Is Sanctifying ... Setting Us Apart
Changing Us Throughout Our Lives
For His Holy Use! 


Since We Are Warned To Test The Spirits
Also Cautioned About The Other Jesus 
That Other Gospel
The Question Must Be Boldly Asked And Honestly Answered: 

"Is The Life That You Are Leading 
With The One You Call Savior, Lord, And God
Transforming You From A Sinner Bound For Hell 
Into A Saint Bound For Almighty God's Glory 

... Or ... 

Are You Being Affirmed
- Made Comfortable - 
In Your Cherished And Very Satisfying-To-The-Sense Sin
Are Being Bamboozled Into Being A Self-Satisfied Fat Frog In Cold Water 
Scented With All Your Chosen Aromatics Of Forbidden Pleasure
In An Always Deep Pasta Pot Over A Gentle Flame!?!" 

Dear Ones, 

Never Follow The Prevailing Winds Of Change 
Nor The Always-Wrong Multitude! 

Do Not Move The Old Landmarks 
To Make Your Desired Building Fit Your Coveted Landscape! 

Stand In And For 
The Uncomfortable But Needful, Necessary Transformative Grace Of God 
Refuse To Be Made Refuse 
By The Trendy Affirmative Action Of The Accuser Of The Brethren
The Adversary Of Souls 
Who Has No Good Place To Call Home 
Has Your Eternal Destruction 
As His Soon-To-Be-Obliterated-Life Goal! 

Remember, Remember
Don't Ever Forget ... 

Low Riders Don't Like High Roads! 

Affirming Sin Aids In Self-Destruction! 

Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind! 
Walk With The Lord Jesus In The Light Of Life ... In Truth! 


1 comment:

  1. Father, Of This One Thing I Am Sure: He That Has Begun A Good Work In Me Will Finish It So That In The Great Day Of Small Things, I Will Be Found To Be Clean Before My Blessed Jesus!


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