
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Folly Ain't Fun: Think On Jesus Christ Who Ever Thinks Of You!

Dead In Sin And Trespasses! 
Too Proud To Change!?! 
What A State Of Affairs! 

You Can't Help Yourself 
You Are Making Sure To Keep The One Who Can Out Of Fix-Me Range! 

Did You Know That A Dove Is Called Silly 
It Sometimes Flies Without A Cause!?! 

Did You Know That Sinners Don't Know Where They Are Going 
Proudly State That They Are Going There In Style!?! 

Consider That You, And Me Too, Were Once In Hard Bondage In Egypt 
Where Denying Knowledge Of The Holy God 
The Practice Of Idol-Worship Were Considered Big Doings 
The Lord God Almighty Brought You Out By The Power Of His Might 
Called You His People 


When You Were Established, Strong And Fat And Happy
You Adopted The Vile Habits Of Your Neighbors 
Which Habits The Lord Condemned! 

When Certain Of Your Wicked And Idolatrous Neighbors 
Sought To Make War With You
Would You Ignore Your Own Known-Holy Loving Faithful God 
Seek "Help" From Your Former Slave-Master, Egypt
Instead Of Swallowing Your Pride
Admitting Your Error
Acknowledging Your Shame
Stop Your Useless Silly-Dove Flights Of Fancy Or Fantasy Flights 


With A Broken, Contrite Heart
Humble Yourself And Pray
Confessing And Repenting Of Your Known And Bold Sin!?! 


Folly Ain't Fun! 

What Tastes Good In The Mouth 
Pleasurably Slides Down The Throat 
Can Be Silk In And Brambles Out
Oil In And Jagged Rocks Out! 

How About Choosing To Give Your Sin And Your Satan To The Savior 
So That Your Only Savior, Jesus Christ The Lord 
May Secure You With His Salvation!?! 

Let Us Choose To Lose Our Useless Pride 
In The Lord Of Life Confide And Abide! 


1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Lord Jesus, For Lighting Up My Life With The Truth That Saves And Sets Me Free From Sin And Death!


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