
Saturday, September 9, 2023

Vespers At The End Of The Sabbath: Give "It" A Name!


Mark The Word: 

Without The Law
There Can Be No Sin!


Think On This Thing:

In Order For A Problem To Be Fixed
It Must Have A Name! 

In The Normal Run Of Things
Someone Must Bear Responsibility For Having The Problem
Causing The Problem
Or Fixing The Problem! 


Problems Only Get Fixed 
When Blame And Shame Fall Upon Someone's Shoulders! 

Dear Ones, 

In The Realm Of Unnamed Problems
Nameless Is Blameless And, Therefore, Shameless 
As In Having No Need To Bow The Head Or The Knee! 

Brethren Beloved, 

We Who Diligently And Lovingly
Faithfully And Enduringly Serve The Lord Jesus Christ
Please Let Us Not Walk In The Vaunted Wisdom Of The Worldly-Wise 
Which Is As Foolishness In The Eyes Of The Only Wise God 
Who Reigns And Rules In The Orderly And Eternal Glorious Kingdom! 

Let Us Choose
- By Grace Through Faith That Works By Love 
Purifies The Soul - 
To Identify The Problem Areas In Our Lives 
By The Infallible Word
With Shame-Facedness 
Boldly Carry Them To The Throne Of Grace 
To Him, Innocent, Who Took The Blame For Us 
So That We, In Brokenness And Contrition, Could Walk Free! 

Let Us Let Our Jesus Place Our Problems Aka Our Sins 
Upon That Scape-Goat Satan 
Which Is Where They Belong 
Because Of 
Our Humble Confession, For Love Of Jesus
Heart-Felt Repentance, For Life With Christ! 

Names Have Meaning! 

Remember That Anything That Does Not Bless Curses 
Anything That Does Not Save Destroys! 

Please Let Your Strong Desire Be For The Lord! 
Jesus Christ Saves! 


1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Father, Please Have Mercy On Me And Help Me To Place My Strong Desire Upon My Lord Jesus Christ Who Alone Saves!


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