
Saturday, November 18, 2023

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: How Are You Using Your Words!?!


Have You Noticed That Those Who Indulge In Bullying Behavior 
Use Their Words To Maliciously Hurt People ... Without Justification
Then Excuse Their Unkind, Often Vile, Words By Saying That 
They Were "Just Being Honest!?!" 

I Wonder If They Know, Or Even Care, That 
This Is Satan's Way Of Operating 
Which He Uses To Try To Convince Us That 
Our Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ 
Would Never Want Us In His Kingdom 
Of Our Obviously Besmirched, Known Defiled
Truly Degenerate Characters!?! 


I Beseech Us All To Do A Deep Think
A Thorough Search Of Scripture ... And Self
See If The Lord Would Or Has Ever Treated Us This Way
Or Would Want Us To Treat Others In Such A Wretched 
UnChristlike Fashion! 

Let Us Remember, By The Eternal God's Great Grace, That 
Love, The Love Of Almighty God
The Lubricant 
The Currency Of The Caring Known Eternal Kingdom! 

Let Us Endeavor From This Moment, From This Very Day
To Choose To Speak The Truth 
With The Love Of God Leading! 


1 comment:

  1. I Beseech You, Heavenly Father, In The Name Of My Lord Jesus, To Bless Me In My Endeavor To Let My Words Be Acceptable In Your Sight And Beneficial To Those Who Hear Them!


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