
Saturday, January 6, 2024

Vespers At The End Of The Sabbath: Would You Do It!?!

KJV Proverbs 23:23
23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

"They" Say To All: 
You Must Give Up Your Rights To Secure Peace ... And Safety! 

It Doesn't Stop There! 

"They" Then Say: 
You Must Give Up The Truth To Get Rights! 

Would You Do It!?! 


Have You Forgotten That 
The Almighty God Has Charged Us To 
"Buy The Truth And Sell It Not!?!" 

There Is No Safety For Anyone 
Without The Security Of The Love Of The Living God 
In The Person Of Jesus Christ The Lord Who Is The Truth! 

Would You Really Sell The Truth 
To "Secure" The Protection And Safety Of 
A Verifiable Lie!?! 

Would You Choose To Shelter Under The Roof Of 
A Non-Existent "Safe" House 
Under The Protection Of The Known And Proved False God Aka Satan!?! 

If You, Fearful, Would
Where Have You Placed It
Or Why Do You Not Use Your Daily Gift Of Faith For The Day!?! 

Dear Ones, Beloved Of The Lord, 

We Are Not To Live Through Our Eyes 
Nor Be Propelled By Our Feelings! 

Let Us, Moment By Moment
Choose To Humbly Live Boldly By 
"Thus Saith The Eternal, Holy God!" 

Note To Mind: 
There Are No Clocks, Nor Crooks, Nor Crookedness In Eternity! 


Let Your Hope For Heaven Be High 
Here And Now
Choose To Be Very Courageous: 
Love Truth, Walk Wisely, Do Right 
Honor The King! 


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