
Saturday, February 3, 2024


KJV Jeremiah 2:19
19 Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.

Sighhh .... 
It Never Seems To End! 

We Backslide From Following The Saving Truth 
Soon We Find Ourselves To Be The Official Recipients Of Chastisement! 
Oh, The Pain! 

With Truly Sorrowing Hearts
We Willingly Confess Our Folly
Our Sins
Our Transgressions
Our Iniquities
Our God, The True And Living Holy God
With The Heart Of Love
Having Compassion
Hears Our Heartfelt Prayers And Plaintive Cries
Works For Us Our Only Means Of Deliverance! 

But ... Do We Learn Anything From Our Recent 
Known Unpleasant Experience!?! 

Oh, No! 
That Would Be Too, Too, Tooooo Easy! 

So What Do We Do Instead!?! 

We Rinse ... And Repeat! 

We Act Like Like Those Who
- By Their Own Wisdom, In Their Own Strength - 
Would Save Themselves, Would Save The Earth: 
We Recycle! 

Oh, Lord, Have Mercy On Us Your Wayward Children! 

Brethren Beloved, 

If We Keep Doing The Same Things 
Whilst Expecting A Different Response
It Is Called Madness: 
There Will Not Be Any Mad 
Aka Boiled-Brain Persons 
In The Living Kingdom Of God! 

Dear Ones, 

Let Us Be Wise For Our Own Selves 
- Having Asked The Lord To Give Us Of His Wisdom - 
So That We Do Not Walk As The Worldly-Wise 
Whose Wisdom Is Foolishness To The God Of Glory! 

In The Land Of The Godly 
The Only Wise God Is King! 

In The Land Of The Ungodly
Satan, The Forever Damned, Is The Accursed King! 


Rinsed And Recycled Sin Is Still Sin
Backsliding And Chastisement Still Cause Pain
Confession Still Places Us In The Land Of Regret
Restoration Of Deliverance Will Still And Forever 
Come From The Hand Of The All-Knowing
Ever-Present, Forgiving God! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Let Us Choose To Walk In The Light Of Life 
For The Love Of Jesus Christ The Lord! 

Let Us By Grace Through Faith 
Live And Love To Do Right! 

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