
Sunday, May 26, 2024

VESPERS AT THE END OF THE SABBATH: Alpha-Strange Mix-And-Mashup Soup!?!

KJV Psalms 65:4
4 Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.

The World Is Always Cooking Up A Pot Of Alphabet Soup 
Where The Meaning Of The Letters Is Ever Changing And Expanding 
No Matter Under Whose Table 
You Choose To Pull Up A Chair! 

Even The Church, The House Of God!?! 

Yes! Indeed And For Sure! 

Lord, Be Merciful! 

He Is! 

Brethren Beloved, 

I Ask You Simple And Plain
Why Would You Choose To Be A Friend To A Man-Made God 
When You Are Called To Be A Child Of Almighty God 
Who In His Image, And After His Likeness, He Made Man!?! 

Why Would You Choose To Starve On Alpha-Strange Mix-And-Mashup Soup 
When You May Survive On 
Be Elevated To Jesus Christ's Glory 
By Imbibing Wittingly On The One And Only Unchangeable
Incorruptible, Lead, Guide, Bless And Teach Soup Of Salvation 
From The Lord's Storehouse Of Good For You 
Plenty More To Come Of Which You Don't Know Anything!?! 

Dear Ones, 

Fast Food And Fast Fashion Have Corrupted The Taste Buds 
Blinded The Eyes 
Warped The Desires Of The Multitudes 
Whilst Encouginging Them To Go For The Thrill Of 
"Do What Thou Will!" 
When You've Got A Twinge Of The I-Feels! 

Christ's Followers Are Not To Live Thus 
I Beg, Plead, And Beseech Us All 
To Get The Lord's Eye-Salve For Healed Eye-Sight
Beseech The Lord To Permit The Angel 
To Cleanse Our Tongues With A Coal From Heaven's Altar! 

These Are Dangerous Times 
To Be Taste-Testers At Curious Restaurants 
Fronted By Gourmet Chefs Who Are Gormands 
Who Also Love To Dish Out Punishment On Plates And In Bowls 
To Abuse Other People's Brains And Bowels! 


Please Stick To The Lamb Who Is The Shepherd
The Lion Who Is Your Lord And Leader
The King Who Loves You ... Personally And Individually
Will Feed You Himself On The Glad Day 
At The Long Table In The Family House! 

Be Enthusiastic For The Joy Of Eternity
Not The Jollies Of Unsatisfying Entertainment! 

Jesus Christ Is The Joy Of Living! Peace!

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