
Saturday, September 21, 2024


Isaiah 46:5 KJV
To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like?

We Were Warned In The Living Word 
Through The Posing Of A Question 
By The Very Lord Of Life Whose Name Is All-Knowing 
Which Means He Has The Unimpeachable Answer! 

The Lord God Almighty Asked: 
"To Whom Will You Compare Me!?!" 

Come On, Brother Man! 
That Was A Trick Question! 

Was It, Uncle Look-Up!?! 

Are You Calling Our Lord Deceitful!?! 

No, Mo! 
I Might Be A Lot Of Things 
But Stupid I Am Not! 
All I Want To Know Is Why 
An Unanswerable Question Was Posed!?! 

Lil' Bit, Have You Ever Heard This Expression: 
"Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy!?!" 

No, I Can't Say That I Have! 

Let's Say, For Instance, That You Worshipped The Living God 
In The Unvarying Beauty Of Holiness 
You Were Truly Happy And Undeniably Blessed To Do So! 

You Knew That You Were Loved And Cherished 
For You Knew That You Were Not Alone 
Your God Was Your Shepherd, Your Refuge, And Your Strength! 

You Couldn't See Him 
If You Did In Your Current Sinful State
You Would Be Immediately Consumed: 
He Protected You By Covering Himself! 

You Were Happy, Happy, Happy 
Until You Happened Upon 
"This Is It!" Means And Methods Ministries Incorporated! 

They Had Crashing Cymbals, Booming Bass Drums
Tenor Pans, Electric Guitars 
Praise Singers In Bikinis
Praise Dancers In Short Shorts 
With Lil' Frilly Aprons Over Them
Theatrical Lights, Smoke Machines
A Glib-Tongued Speaker With Expensive Tastes, Treats And Toys
All Manner Of Pricey Statuary 
Which They Carried And Venerated In Their Worship! 

You Were Mesmerized Even More 
When It Was Told You That The Statues Were Gods 
Who Gave Them Their Every Desire 
When The Worshippers  Gave Said Gods 
Gifts Of Money, Produce, Pledge, Or Person! 

You Noted That Those Worshippers Were Excited, Even Euphoric! 

Lord Jesus, Save Us! 

Why Do You Say That, Mala Prop!?! 

I Say That Because That Is
Exactly What Happened To The Israelites 
At The Time Of Balaam 
And Then 
At The Time Of Prophet Samuel 
When They Asked For A King That They Could See ...! 

... And That Is What Repeatedly Led To Them 
Being Constantly Overcome And Enslaved 
To Their Idolatrous Adversaries! 

So, Brethren, 
What Do You Say, Now, About Comparison!?! 

"Comparison Is Truly The Thief Of Joy!"  


Every Good And Perfect Gift Comes From Almighty God
Who Will Not Share His Glory With Another 
For No Other Can Be Compared To Him 
He Is Life, Love, Light 
Everything To All People! 

Please, I Beseech Us All
Do Not Allow Anything Or Anybody 
To Steal Your Joy In Our Lord Jesus
The God Almighty
Mighty To Save And Seal Us Against The Great Day Of Small Things
The Day Of Judgment! 



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