
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Mocking Birds Sing!

I heard The Chorus Singing
A Pretty Little Song
And when The Song was finished
I felt my mouth hanging down!

The Song was One Quite Ordinary
No Gymnastics Particular
The Singers - They Floored Me
For they were Peacocks, and Canaries, and a couple Clowns!

Now, I am Sure that you are Aware
That Peacocks Look Pretty and
Canaries Sing Pretty
And when they are in Communion
They are Irresistible to Lustful Human Soul's Ear!

"Sing for Sin Today is Subjective
Sing before The Lord and then Pray
Sing to Lord - He Bought Your Pardon
Sing - for Jesus Christ Your Debt Already Paid!"

I am not going to Belabor You with Why's and Wherefore's
I am not going to Tickle You nor Torment
I am just going to Lay It Straight for You
And Invite You to Offer Your Comment!

The Chorus in The Church was Singing
Pretty Preacher was Pastoring The Flock
The Prophet had been Asked if The Lord has Sent A Message
And The People had had Themselves A Good Shout!

But... It was at The Particular Singing
That The Mocking Birds Outdid The Chorus That Day
And that is when I Gained Clear Focus
On what it is All The Choir Birds Did Really Say:

"Sin for Sin Today is Subjective
Sin before The Lord and then Pray
Sing to The Lord - He Bought Your Pardon
Sin - for Jesus Christ Your Debt Already Paid!"

Come, Lord Jesus!!

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