
Monday, November 16, 2015

The Order Of The Day + Prayer: Comfort Us

Death and Destruction - The Order of The Day!
Chaos and Corruption - The Vaunted Way!
Destabilization Gymnastics - No Matter What They Say
The Innocents Are The Ones Who Usually Pay!

Life is Not a War Game Played by Foolish Boys!
Life is No Tea Party With Silly Girls and Made Up Toys!
Real Life is Real Hard - Relentless and Vindictive
Masterminded by Mayhem - Motivated by Hate
Covering an Unholy Quest for False and Fleeting Joys!

Oh, Lord, The Trafficking is Relentless!!
Oh, Lord, The Cry of Pain - even Death - is Common Heard
The People, Lord, as Merchandise
Bought and Sold on The World's Exchanges
Are Being Robbed of Their Soul's Salvation
By The Dying God of The World
Hell-bent on Gaining An Army of Warriors Against Jesus - by Default!

Father, I'm Pleading for Your People
Whom You Promised to Protect!
You Promised My Master, Jesus
He would not lose One Soul, and
He Promised He will Not One Comer Eject!

Give us Your Grace, Lord
To Daily Make Our Commitment
To Stand Firm in The Lord
Father, Help Us Ever Sin to Reject!

God of All Grace
We Turn to You Our Faces
Lit with Eternal Life's Hope
Soothed by Peace, and
Lubricated by Joy!
Please Carry us By Your Love, and
Comfort us Even As We Pray!
We Accept Your Divine Offer of Mercy!
Father, Please Accept Our Repentance for Sin!
Hear Our Prayer of Faith This Day, and
Protect Us from The Evil One on The Pathway
So that We will not for Our Own Sin
Have to Eternally Pay.

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